Add the following to /etc/sources:

deb testing main contrib non-free

Create /etc/apt/apt.conf with:

APT::Default-Release "stable";

Create /etc/apt/preferences for pinning the testing packages:

Package: libssl-dev

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libssl0.9.8

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libcherokee-base0

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: mysql-common

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libmysqlclient16

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libcherokee-server0

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libcherokee-config0

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: libcherokee-mod-admin

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: cherokee

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 999  

Package: *

Pin: release a=stable

Pin-Priority: 500

Then install the packages:

apt-get install -t testing cherokee libcherokee-base0 libcherokee-server0 libcherokee-config0 libcherokee-mod-admin libssl0.9.8

That's the installation. For the configuration, check out the Cherokee cookbooks.

This entry was tagged debian, general, lenny, system administration


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